Windows Shared Hosting Explained
If you are just starting your research on web hosting in its many forms, you may have come across the term “shared hosting.” You may have also read that shared hosting equates to low pricing and low performance in which too many websites are crammed onto one server resulting in slow loading times. This is both true and false in the same way that apartment living means living in an overcrowded dilapidated building where there is never any hot water. Depending on the landlord, some apartments are enjoyable to live in while others are not.
In like manner, the problems mistakenly attributed to shared hosting have everything to do with the hosting provider. Therefore if you find a great hosting provider, shared hosting is a very good deal for the price.
The reason for the low cost is that several customers share the same server and resources. This means the cost of running the server is split among them. Because a great hosting provider takes good care of its customers, websites using shared hosting are reliable and fast.
The uses of shared hosting are many, including websites for individuals, websites for businesses, forums, blogs, wikis, and ecommerce stores. Shared hosting often comes with one click application installers which include the more popular open source content management systems. By choosing the content management system best suited for your particular type of site, the gateway is opened to the many perks that are provided, often free, by the associated open source community.
Shared hosting also allows you to have multiple websites and subdomains. This means you can run websites that cater to different consumer niches or perhaps websites focused on one niche but written in different languages. Perhaps you may wish to test several consumer niches before committing to any particular one.
The low cost of shared hosting combined with easy access to free content management systems means a person or business is free to test, learn, and experiment. As long as your traffic levels don’t get too excessive, then shared hosting is the perfect solution for the small business or lone entrepreneur. For more information about windows shared hosting and whether it is right for you, don’t hesitate to contact us.
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Photo by Schlüsselbein2007