Team Building AppliedI-Style
It was a typical day in the Applied Innovations’ office. Ice cold AC pumped through the halls and technical chatter was heard all around, when suddenly I thought, “hey, it’s about time for a team building event!”
Now anybody who knows me knows that my ideas tend to escalate quickly. Just a few days earlier, John (one of our account managers) discovered that there was a basketball court within walking distance of our shiny new office building. So he & I got to talking and decided it was high time we had a company challenge, but how many IT guys do you know that would want to play a full on game of basketball in the Florida afternoon sun?
“Maybe we should have a game of H-O-R-S-E,” John suggested. “Then we don’t have to hit showers and it doesn’t have to be so active.”
“Eh, but that takes away the team aspect and we need SOME reason to justify our antics,” I replied. “What if we just used the court with silly picnic-style events like spoon and egg races or water balloon toss with teammates?”
“Are you serious?!?” John burst out laughing at the prospect of arming co-workers with water balloons.
Well, yes I was very serious…but the hamster wheels weren’t done spinning. He was right, arming co-workers with water balloons and having them “play catch” was a bad idea. BUT, what if we got a water balloon launcher and aimed for the basketball hoop? And that my friends is how our most recent team event began! Let’s call it Applied Innovations’ February Madness (for those of you that aren’t basketball fans, I suggest you at least try your hand at a March Madness bracket).
Here’s how it worked:
A bracket of teams was created, with three rounds and a final winner
- Teams of two would launch water balloons aimed at the opposite end of the court
- Each team got to launch 10 balloons each round
- Points were awarded for accuracy:
- 15 points for the hoop or backboard
- 10 points for in the paint
- 5 points for anything inside the two point half circle (I’m a girl and don’t know the technical term for that, but I’m patting myself on the back for knowing “in the paint”)
- An opposing team player must stand under the hoop while their opponents are launching balloons *poncho optional
For the first round, we all had to catch our balloon launching bearings but soon the real shooters emerged. While many put on valiant efforts, it was Dawn and Paul who won in the end.
It was a great time had by all and if you get the opportunity for a team event, we highly suggest some water balloons and a slingshot!