The streamlined web interface for
SmarterMail 3.x now includes
elements of AJAX, which means that
webmail performs more like a desk-
top application. A full-featured skinn-
ing system allows you to incorporate
your own design elements into the
interface, thereby helping with corp-
orate branding and further increasing
the comfort level of your users. |

SmarterMail 3.x includes a very robust calendaring system. With
notification schedules, tasks, and recurrence rules, SmarterMail
3.x can completely replace your desktop calendaring solution. |
SmarterTools takes suggestions from customers very seriously,
and due to public request, many new features have been incorp-
orated to make SmarterMail even easier to use.
Some examples include:
– Tabbed settings pages
– Hover preview when viewing messages
– Quickly add sender to a contact list
– Per-user time zone settings |
SmarterMail 3.x now allows you to optionally connect your email
accounts to Active Directory, allowing you to manage your auth-
entication and security from a central point. |
With the archiving option enabled, all incoming and outbound email is saved to a location on the server permanently. This feature is a must-have for any companies who fall under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. |
View SmarterMail contacts and appointments directly from Outlook using an advanced connector based on the same model employed by SharePoint. |