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Rapid Domination, More than just a clever marketing name!

Two hours ago we announced Rapid Domination, our newest customer education/marketing effort. The name we admit, takes a little time to grow on you. But when you consider the premise behind this is to provide you (the hosting customer) the tools and advice you need to quickly become successful at online marketing, it starts to make sense.  Yes it took me a few hours too to understand it was not only a good name but the only name that really described the service correctly.

So does Rapid Domination actually work?

The obvious question is going to be, is this actually going to work or is it just a clever marketing gimmick? We believe it will work and there’s no better way to demonstrate that then with a little screenshot proof.

We published the first blog articles about Rapid Domination just 2 hours ago and were already indexed by Google and currently rank #1, #4 and #5 on the first page of Google out of 4.1 MILLION Results. Here’s a screenshot to show you Rapid Domination is more than a clever marketing name:

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