Maximize Success and Profits by Using High Availability Hosting
When it comes to starting an online website for your business or an online business, you should look to get the most reliable hosting possible to avoid missing out on potential customers. Traditional hosting often provides a high percentage of uptime, but high availability hosting provides even more.
Guaranteed Uptime
Although a few seconds or minutes may not seem like much in the grand scheme of time, there is no denying that people may have tried to visit your website during a minor period of downtime.
If the individual decided to look elsewhere because they could not get onto your website successfully, you may have lost a potential client or sale. In order to prevent this from happening, you need high availability hosting that can provide consistent availability, regardless of the situation.
Provide for Everyone
It is not uncommon to experience large spikes of traffic depending on the industry of your operation and other variables, but it can be disastrous for your website to go down when heavy traffic comes. Ideally, you should be prepared for these situations, and high availability hosting provides scalable hosting that ensures your visitors are not left with an error when trying to visit your website.
Predictive Alerts for Future Safety
With engineers on watch at all times, there will be no chance for your website to go down without notice. Instead, a professional will make the necessary migration to ensure your hosting connection remains healthy, regardless of what happens to the connection of the original hosting server.
While high availability hosting may not be for everyone or every business, there are many benefits that it can provide. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have, or to begin taking advantage of our hosting services.
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