Finding What You Really Need in a Reliable Web Host: Analyzing and Testing Your Site
Most of the common questions you should ask relate to webpage load times, how much downtime the service has had, and even if they’ve been hacked. These are basic concerns everyone has with decent web hosts.
While you should contact a web host provider and ask the above, it’s not always about interrogating them. You also need to look at your own website to see how good of a fit you’d be with the provider. Afterward, you should conduct a test as the absolute proof your site can work under your prospective web host.
Some online businesses expect the best without looking at their own web host needs first. Take a look at the things you should analyze on your site and how they’d fit with a web host’s services.
The Type of Content You’ll Have
Some websites don’t take into account the type of content they have and how much bandwidth it’ll take to keep it up to speed. If you plan to use multiple videos and other media that draws a lot of bandwidth, a budget web host provider isn’t always powerful enough to keep your site from lagging.
In the world of e-commerce, you don’t want your site to run slow, only because you thought skimping on proper web hosting would save you money. The best solution is to keep a simpler web design in place. With flat designs being popular now, you can have an attractive site without having too many unnecessary animated graphics that slow your site to a crawl.
Finding Where Most of Your Users Are
Where the web host servers are for your website matters in how well the latter performs for visitors. If you’ve been catering to mostly an international audience, you should consider a web host with servers overseas to help make your site run faster for them.
In other cases, it’s possible most of your web users live locally. Finding where the web servers are geographically helps you determine just how fast your site is going to perform.
Analyzing Other Services Your Site Provides
If you need email or managed hosting on your site, some web host providers aren’t always large enough to handle these services. Again, it’s better to keep your site designed as simple as possible rather than loading it down with additional things you may not need. When it’s essential, though, you should ask whether a web host has any offsite backup capabilities so you never face downtime.
Uptime is likely extremely important to you, and you need to ask your web host about how much you need to keep your business running optimally.
Testing Your Website with a Web Host
You’ll find some web hosts that let you test your website online before you commit. This can give you a basic indication of how well things perform, yet it doesn’t always give you a full picture for the future. In some cases, it’s better to just vet a web host the best you can, including finding out which web hosts top websites use.
Here at Applied Innovations, we provide a superior web hosting service, plus comprehensive services in web development and security.
Contact us to find out more about our services for assurance of web hosting reliability.
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