Web Tips & Tricks
13 Free Online Analytic Tools
Here are some of the best FREE online analytic tools around. Are you taking full advantage of them? Many of these tools also offer a more robust paid service or subscription, but you’ll be amazed how much value you can get from the free offering alone. Also, you can consider the freeware to be a…
Read More5 things your new web development company will say to get you switch from AppliedI hosting.
With close to 12 years under our belt of offering strictly windows web hosting services we’ve seen our fair share of web developers move customers to ‘their preferred hosting partner’ and although most often we’re the preferred hosting partner, sometimes we’re on the other side of that situation. In fact, the #1 reason we’ll lose…
Read MorePCI Compliance: Disabling SSL v2 and weak SSL ciphers
Disclaimer: The items mentioned in the following blog article involve making changes to your server’s registry. Incorrectly modifying your server’s registry can result in downtime or abnormal behavior causing unforeseen consequences. If you do not have much experience working with the registry or if you are not comfortable making these changes it is highly recommended…
Read MoreHow to fix the error “[HttpException (0x80004005): Theme ‘Default’ cannot be found in the application or global theme directories.]” on ASPDotNetStoreFront
This error occurs when the App_Themes folder is missing from your “wwwroot” directory (or Virtual Directory / Application) and prevents you from logging into your Admin Area. It can be caused by creating a new application under your ASPDNSF root folder, or by turning the “admin” folder into an application. Here’s the partial error message…
Read MoreIE Finally Follows Standards – What does it mean for your visitors?
Microsoft released Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) in March, and although its deployment has been slow, the new browser has created a potential concern for designers and developers. The new browser introduces a slew of fundamental improvements, including security, ease of use, and support for RSS, CSS, and Ajax. Most noteworthy in IE8, however, are the…
Read MoreHot Tip – Blogging to get out of the Google Sandbox
It has been widely observed that Google likes domains that are aged. You might have heard the term, ‘Google Sandbox’ thrown around in marketing and SEO forums. This term refers to the amount of time it takes from when a site goes live to when it begins to receive Google rankings. Wikipedia has a great…
Read MoreA couple great SEO videos to help you get started.
I wanted to provide links to a couple SEO videos that I thought everyone would benefit from. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a hot topic for every online business and often the most confusing. Hopefully these two videos will help point you in the right direction. This past week at MIX one of the presentations…
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