4 Tips To Help E-Commerce Shops Utilize Mobile Traffic
You’ve likely heard about the mobile boom that’s occurring right now. Every company seems to be taking advantage of the opportunity to target mobile users—and having success with it. Your e-commerce shop could greatly benefit from mobile traffic, but how do you go about customizing your site for mobile? Let’s look at some tips to…
Read More5 Mistakes to Avoid in Ecommerce
If you have an e-commerce store, you know that it requires a great deal of effort. It’s not a “set it and forget it” kind of project to undertake. You have to optimize and ensure customers have the ease and convenience they desire with online shopping. If your conversion rate isn’t as high as you…
Read MoreThe Heartbleed OpenSSL Exploit
A very serious vulnerability in open source software called OpenSSL was recently discovered which allows malicious users to pull sensitive information from web servers. The good news for Applied Innovations customers is that we host your sites on Microsoft IIS which is not vulnerable to this exploit. Microsoft’s IIS web server does not use the…
Read MoreNew SSL certificates from Applied Innovations web hosting will have more functionality
New SSL certificates (or renewals) ordered through Applied Innovations web hosting, will now have slightly more functionality. Our e-commerce hosting customers will now be able to call their websites securely from either www.acme-hosting.net or just acme-hosting.net. This is more convenient, because it used to be that you would have to call your website securely usually with “www” in the url. If a customer…
Read MoreAppliedI customers get 10% off at Revolver Commerce
Applied Innovations is always trying to bring more value to our e-commerce web hosting customers. We often will find a popular product that our customers find useful, and we will see if we can get our customers a discount. Revolver Commerce makes many useful add-ons to the ASPDotNetStorefront e-commerce app, and they also provide design…
Read MoreComodo will be updating the SSL “Trust Logo” that you’ve become familiar with
A great deal of our e-commerce web hosting customers choose to order Instant SSL certificates from Applied Innovations. For the $99 price tag we install the highly secure 256-bit encryption SSL certificate for you, you get $100,000 warranty from Comodo, and you also get the Trust Logo free. Today, Applied Innovations has been informed before the official news release, that…
Read MoreFirefox 3 sets record of most downloads in 24 hours – Extended Validation (EV) SSL certs become A LOT more useful overnight
Remember those SSL certificates called Extended Validation certificates? Well, one of their major drawbacks was that they only worked when your customer was using IE7 to browse your website. Now, with Firefox version 3, you have more than 8 million more browsers on the internet able to see an EV certificate. Upon entering a site…
Read MoreJoomla! a PHP-based CMS version 1.5.4 Naiki released today
Today Joomla released an update to their CMS called “Naiki” and our PHP webhosting customers using this CMS may want to install the update. If you are running a previous version 1.5.x, you should download the update patch and run it. You can read the release notes and installation instructions here. Although Applied Innovations is an ASP.net specialized…
Read MoreGetting the most out of your adCenter Pay-Per-Click campaigns
We’ve made a couple posts in the past about the $75 in free adCenter credits available to all AppliedI.net hosting customers: https://appliedi.net/blog/2007/08/08/appliedinet-offers-75-free-adcenter-credit/ https://appliedi.net/blog/2007/08/29/did-someone-say-a-free-webhosting-rebate-325-worth/ and this is but one of the special offers and promotions available to each customer in the appliedi.net marketplace. Getting $75 in free search engine pay per click ads that show on…
Read MoreCreating an Online Magazine or E-Commerce website with wordpress
Andre recently blogged about how many people are using wordpress as more than just a blog engine, they’re using it as a full blown content management system (CMS). I’m pretty well versed in WordPress and what’s available for it and today I was looking around today for new themes and plug-ins we could integrate with…
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