1. Make sure you are authorized on the account
When you submit a ticket to support, whether it is via chat, email, or on the phone please make sure you are authorized on the account and using the appropriate contact information on the account. For example, when submitting an email ticket, the email address must match an authorized contacts on the account. If you submit from your gmail or other email address not listed on the account our support team will ask you to resubmit your request from an authorized contact, which only delays resolution.
2. Include your pertinent account information
In every support request please be sure to include all of your pertinent account information such as your account number or user ID, your server name or domain, and your name/contact information.
3. Include your current contact information
If you are not available at the contact details your account information has, please include where our team can reach you. For example, if you are traveling and don’t have your office phone number forwarded, please include an alternate phone number in your request so that our support team can reach you when necessary.
4. Use the email subject to appropriately define the issue
When submitting a ticket via email or chat, be sure to clearly and concisely describe the issue. The subject line is the first thing our support technicians see when they are viewing the ticket system. By having a good description, our team can prioritize the ticket queue quickly and easily.
5. If your issue is urgent or your site/server is down, begin your email subject with “URGENT” or “SITE DOWN”
In these cases, please submit a ticket with the beginning of the subject line as “URGENT” or “SITE DOWN” depending on your particular issue. This is what our support team prioritizes first and it helps us quickly identify the most urgent cases.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Cloud Hosting Experts at 866-706-8691 or support@appliedi.net.