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4 Tips To Help E-Commerce Shops Utilize Mobile Traffic

Fotolia_57326858_XSYou’ve likely heard about the mobile boom that’s occurring right now.  Every company seems to be taking advantage of the opportunity to target mobile users—and having success with it.  Your e-commerce shop could greatly benefit from mobile traffic, but how do you go about customizing your site for mobile?  Let’s look at some tips to get you started optimizing your shop for mobile users.

1.  You Need A Search Bar

Mobile users are constantly moving and on-the-go.  They want direct results and the ability to navigate straight to what they are looking for.  So how do you give this to them?  Add a search bar to your site.  Users don’t mind the extra typing of a search bar if it takes them directly to what they want.  Don’t make your customers search through pages of items and products that don’t pertain to them.

2.  Use Autosuggest

Typing on a mobile device can lead to many errors.  Fix this by implementing autosuggest or autocorrect options on your site.  Also think of providing search alternatives and suggestions to your users that may help them find what they are searching for more quickly.

3.  Don’t Force Registration

Mobile users don’t really have the time to register to browse your site.  Not to mention, things like registration come with a lot more hassle when using mobile devices.  So don’t aggravate users by forcing them to register just to use your site.  Besides, people want the chance to see what your site offers them before they register.  Don’t make registration mandatory to purchase something, either.  This will seem like you are trying to force them into a last minute registration, which will annoy and frustrate your users.  At the very least, they’ll have bad associations with your brand because of such a thing.

4.  Customize All Pages Of Your Site For Mobile

Don’t try to selectively optimize pages of your site for mobile—go ahead and make the entire site mobile-friendly.  Sites that mix mobile and desktop pages are the worst for mobile users, and prove harder to use than sites that have only desktop pages.  Trying to get by with only half the job done will only make things worse for your shop in the long run.

Mobile commerce is a great way to increase your e-commerce shop’s business and conversion rates.  You can’t afford to let such an incredible opportunity bypass you, so start following the tips above to utilize mobile traffic.  Putting yourself in the position of mobile users and thinking about how to best serve them will help improve your store.  If you need any assistance improving your e-commerce solution, don’t hesitate to contact us.  Our experts will be happy to work with you!

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