Archive for April 2015
Gartner:’scalability’ is one of the main reasons why businesses are moving to the cloud.
Businesses who are making plans to use a cloud hosting service in 2015 may have already discovered it is not an all-or-nothing processes. For the most part, a large percentage of businesses use what is referred to as the ‘hybrid’ approach: part on-premise, and part cloud. In fact, according to a recent Gartner report, the…
Read MoreTop 5 Business Continuity Planning Failures
We’ve all heard stories of businesses that have lost thousands of dollars due to a disaster. Although we hear the horror stories, most of us are guilty of thinking that it can’t happen to us. Each year, over 75 percent of companies experience an outage and only 13 percent of those outages were the result…
Read MoreBoost Sales & Avoid E-Commerce Shopping Site Security Risks
Each year the stats come out to support the fact that consumer confidence is rising when it comes to online shopping, with more and more people enjoying the benefits of shopping online – U.S. e-commerce spending topped $263 billion in 2013, with the U. S. Commerce Department and Forrester Research projecting that U.S. consumers will spend…
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